Me me me

Hi 👋, I’m a freelance full-stack web developer based in Lancashire, UK.

I specialise in building easy-to-use CMS powered websites, with a particular focus on the housing sector, to drive leads and sales for my clients.

I’ve been making things appear on the web since 1999 when I took my first steps into web development by writing a few lines of HTML in Notepad that resulted in an image of a Monkey Island character appearing in Internet Explorer. Many LucasArts inspired fan sites soon followed once I’d figured out how to actually put text and images online - GeoCities anyone?

In the 20 years since, I’ve seen plenty of web technologies rise and fall but I continue to strive to keep up to date with the many languages, frameworks and codes of best practice that make up the modern web.

When I’m not writing code I’m usually watching/thinking/reading about:

  • Web development 💻
  • Rallying 🚗
  • Photography 📷
  • Electronics 🔋
  • Amateur radio 📻
This website

This site uses the JAMstack concept and is built using Hugo, a static site generator written in Go. The site deploys from a git repository on GitHub where it’s then built and hosted using Netlify.

Continuous deployment means that I can push any changes to the repository and have Netlify automatically detect the change, build the new content and deploy the new code - usually within 30 seconds of me pushing the commits.

All blog post content is written in Markdown which makes it easy to write and style. It’s also handy for making sure that the content is future-proof by not being tied to any particular CMS or database.

Monkey Island monkey